
We’ve been attending Pottstown ATA since March of 2021 and it has been wonderful for our kids. Mr. Morgan and Ms. Berry provide an excellent, encouraging and fun environment for children of all ages to learn Taekwondo. They give each child the attention they need to help develop their skills and achieve their goals. My children, Lukas, (9) and Hannah (7) have learned self discipline, confidence and to believe in themselves in all they do.  They have each made new friends that will be friends for life.  These past few years Pottstown ATA has become part of our family and I am very grateful for the friendships I have also made.

~Amanda S.

My twins have been involved with Pottstown ATA for almost three years. Their focus on structure, discipline, and dedication have been instrumental in my children’s overall success in school and other sports. Many dinner conversations have included the positive feedback the twins have received from Mr. Morgan and Miss Berry, and how it made them feel. They are definitely blackbelt-bound, and I am proud to have them involved here!

~Carrie J.

Since 2016, my children have been taking classes at ATA Pottstown. Mr. Morgan and all of the instructors have been amazing. After just 2 months of classes, my son got very sick with a chronic illness and he could have been treated differently. He could have gotten frustrated and quit, but that never happened. Instead, with the help of our ATA family, my son not only learned Taekwondo, but he learned valuable life skills that he has been able to bring to his every day life and in to our community, like self control, respect, self confidence that has helped him become a leader in the classroom. My daughter started classes the summer before starting middle school. This is a time when many kids – especially girls – have trouble finding their place or figuring out who they are. The skills she picked up in the short time before school started made the transition to the new school much easier for her to handle. I cannot thank Mr. Morgan, Ms. Berry and all of the other instructors for creating this tribe where kids can be themselves and learn martial arts, but also learn how to be leaders in their community.

~Diane W.

My kids have been training at Pottstown ATA since 2015. My son is currently training for his 3rd degree black belt and my girls are both 1st Degree Black Belts. They all love going to class and have had nothing but a pleasant experience. It is a great atmosphere even with the other “karate” moms & dads.”

~Stacey E.

My son began Taekwondo in 2013, when he was just 4 years old. Pottstown ATA has been worth every penny spent! He not only learns traditional forms, a variety of weapons, sparring, and board-breaking, but he also is learning important life skills such as: honesty, self-discipline, self-control, integrity, and setting goals.  Pottstown ATA not only teaches about the principles of Taekwondo and important life skills, but they also stress the importance of taking what they learn to succeed in other areas of their life; other sports, school and at home. He signs up for most of the extra events the school offers. He earned his 2nd degree black belt. As a member of the Legacy Program he has learned how to be a leader, helping those around him without giving it a thought. He doesn’t realize yet how these extra classes are going to help him not only now, but he is learning skills that will last a lifetime.”

~Pam B.

I recommend Pottstown ATA. I’ve been going to the school for about 5 years, I started with my son going for the ATA Tigers program. Since then I started, received my black belt and my daughter and son are on their way to earning theirs. The instructors are amazing not just with their talent and abilities but with the focus and care they give each of their students. I’m very happy with my family being a Pottstown ATA family.”

~Heather S.

Pottstown ATA has been a game changer for our family.  Both of my sons started in the ATA Tigers program at around age 4.  Ms. Berry teaches them great life skills such as courtesy, respect, self control, discipline, gratitude, and belief in themselves.  I see them applying this in their everyday lives and behavior.  My oldest son is half way to his black belt and has developed such a passion for karate and fitness. When we tried other sports nothing else peaked any interest for him.  Mr. Morgan challenges the students in the leadership class to perfect their technique and execution.  He teaches them to be confident and to have the courage to try something new.  My son loves karate so much, he basically does karate moves all over our house, in parking lots, and down the aisles of the store.  Pottstown ATA is a great community atmosphere and it is so wonderful to see the celebration between the students, teachers and parents, belt after belt.  My children are proud Pottstown ATA kids and future black belt leaders!”

~Melissa C.

My son was invited two years ago as a guest to the Pottstown ATA to see what the art of Karate and the program was all about.  He was intrigued by what the program offered not just the elements of Karate but the intangibles, such as discipline and leadership.  Today, my son is a first degree black belt and has flourished under the leadership of the teachers at the school (Mr. Morgan, Ms. Morgan and Ms. Berry), especially.  The life skills taught in this program are the perfect supplement to a solid family structure.  Sometimes children need a second voice to learn life skills…this program is the perfect life investment in your child’s future.  I highly recommend this program for children and adults alike.

~Susan P.