Our Staff

Mr. Michael Morgan4th Degree Black Belt, Owner & Head Instructor

Mr. Morgan has been training in the Martial Arts since 1997. He started under the tutelage of Master Craig Wolfel (Karate Atlanta Co-Founder). Mr. Morgan has been operating an ATA School since 1999. He  has been a certified ATA instructor for over 20 years.  He opened the Pottstown ATA in 2003, in the Suburbia Shopping Center. Mr. Morgan has also trained with Brian Price in the Ed Parker system of American Kenpo. His favorite part of Martial Arts is Self-Defense.

Miss Kayla Morgan5th Degree Black Belt, Instructor

Miss Morgan is a 5th degree black belt and certified ATA, taekwondo, instructor that began her martial arts journey over 20 years ago. Miss Morgan shares that being within the ATA has been a life changing experience that has allowed her to be more confident, goal-oriented, and dedicated to achieving and reaching her own goals as well as helping others achieve their dreams. During her ATA journey, Miss Morgan endorses her greatest accomplishments and milestones as placing 3rd in the world in forms competition, obtaining both district and state titles in traditional martial arts competition, teaching thousands of students, and having the ability to spend many hours with community members and family members striving for common goals of growth and gaining knowledge of the martial arts.

Mrs. Cheryl Worobetz3rd Degree Black Belt, Instructor

Mrs. Worobetz joined the ATA Family right after her son did in 2012. She currently holds a 3rd degree black belt and is working towards her 4th degree. Her son, Andrew, has his 2nd degree black belt.  Mrs. Worobetz choice of weapon is the Jhang Bong (Bo Staff).