- Students and Instructors will bow to the flags each time they enter or leave the classroom area to demonstrate respect to the instructors and fellow students.
- If students are late for class, they should ask permission to enter class. Permission must be obtained to leave the classroom for any reason.
- All students must scan and turn in their tracking card for each class.
- Students are encouraged to participate in class enthusiastically, however, they are to avoid unnecessary conversation.
- No student, regardless of rank, may instruct or correct another student without permission from the supervising instructor.
- A clean uniform is imperative in each class as a reflection of the student’s pride.
- Female students must wear a white t-shirt under their uniform.
- Students will not wear shoes on the workout floor.
- No jewelry shall be worn in class except for a wedding ring.
- All belts should be tied to hang evenly, as one side represents the mind, and the other side represents the body.
- Students may not engage in free sparring without all proper gear and direct supervision of the instructor.
- There will be no use of profanity on the school premises at any time.
- Permission of the student’s instructor is required before a student may attend another ATA school or martial arts function.
- High ranking visitors to the class should be greeted with appropriate respect. If a class is in session all members should immediately stop and bow.
- Students, parents, and guests will not converse with any person involved in a class session without permission from the instructor.
- No food, drink, or gum may be consumed in the school.