Pam B.

My son began Taekwondo in 2013, when he was just 4 years old. Pottstown ATA has been worth every penny spent! He not only learns traditional forms, a variety of weapons, sparring, and board-breaking, but he also is learning important life skills such as: honesty, self-discipline, self-control, integrity, and setting goals.  Pottstown ATA not only teaches about the principles of Taekwondo and important life skills, but they also stress the importance of taking what they learn to succeed in other areas of their life; other sports, school and at home. He signs up for most of the extra events the school offers. He earned his 2nd degree black belt. As a member if the Legacy Program he has learned how to be a leader, helping those around him without giving it a thought. He doesn’t realize yet how these extra classes are going to help him not only now, but he is learning skills that will last a lifetime.”