
Unfortunately, today’s society can be a dangerous and threatening place for adults as well as kids. The self-defense skills your child will learn at Karate for Kids can literally save their life. While most parents don’t enroll their kids here specifically for this reason, it is a powerful benefit of training in ATA Taekwondo. Bullying is another big threat for kids these days. Unfortunately, one out of every four children will be a victim of a bully at some point this year.

When the speed and power developed through Taekwondo is used in a self-defense situation against the vulnerable parts of an attacker’s body, the results can be incredible. Taekwondo allows a woman to emphasize many of her natural physical strengths, such as power in the legs, while learning a method of self-defense efficient against a much larger opponent. Knowing you can defend yourself, your confidence will grow. And confidence alone is usually enough to deter potential attackers.